SIPARJU 003: Rediscovering the Maltese Religious Dramas: A Dive into “La Predestinata” and “Bin il-Bniedem with Vincenzo Maria Pellegrini, Maria Pisani, Inez Soler, Guido Saliba, Carmelo Pace, Gużeppi Schembri and Emanuel Vincent (Emvin) Cremona: March- April 1955

In Malta, the peak of religious drama occurred with “La Predestinata” and “Bin il-Bniedem” in 1955, influenced by global religious spectacles and cinema. These large-scale productions, with detailed scenography and numerous actors, now linger as echoes of a vibrant past.

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Gino Muscat Azzoppard

Siparju 001: Malta, Jannar, 1948. Gino Muscat Azzopardi, Pawlu Boffa u t-Teatru Nazzjonali.

Is-sena l-oħra irbaħt il-borża ta’ studju SIPARJU Teatru Malta għall-istudji tiegħi fi ħdan id-dipartiment tal-Istjudi tat-Teatru fl-Universita’ ta’ Malta Theatre Studies at UM. Ir-riċerka tiegħi tiffoka fuq il-“perjodu mudlam” tat-teatru Malti bejn l-1935 u l-1965. Il-premessa prinċipali ta’ dan l-istudju tħares lejn kif it-teatru Malti żviluppa f’dawn iż-żminijiet ta’ transizzjoni. Permezz ta’ din is-sensiela ta’ noti qosra, se naqsam xi dati u nqajjem xi ħares mill-passat.

scan: NAM OPM 140/1948 The National Archives of Malta Grazzi talli dejjem disposti u tal-paċenzja

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Back to Partying in the Blackbox

I am in the black box “after several Covid-postponements”. I can finally experience watching a performance collectively as part of an audience. “It feels like there’s still much to discover about the work, and I’m excited to share it with a home crowd and open up some dialogues about the experience of it.” Ira writes in her mail-shot before the Amsterdam premiere at Frascati of LIKE THE PARTY HAS BEEN CANCELLED

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Working in the Glory Machine

I have worked with Billy Mullaney since 2018, in the role of a live video editor (on-stage). In the Glory Machine, we see an ensemble of 6 performers including Billy (and excluding me). They are executing a series of 75 shots which is being made life for the audience.

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